During 2015 Philip Webster will be giving us a monthly update on his adventures in Banjo:

The first Friday steam was abandoned, due to Golden Wedding celebrations, fancy having a 'do' on a Friday! However, steaming hours were compensated with an extra trip on Tuesday. Ian, who usually provides a good spread for lunch had just been 'let out' after a hip replacement and desperate to get afloat again. The last time he came we gave a tow to three young maids in a canoe. They had imbibed fairly well and looked in need! All went well, they passed a bottle forward and we responded with chocolates. At that time they were wearing life jackets, but with only a hundred yards to go the canoe inverted and the long haired blond was detached from her life saver. Fortunately she was not wearing a wig, and Ians demonstration of how to grasp a mermaid's tail' will stay in my memory for ever. She slid aboard like a wet fish, much relieved to be in our warm dry saloon.
This month's activities seem doomed. It is not often that the Friday steam has to be postponed, or even cancelled, but, we all have the 'dreaded lurgie', or to be modern, man flu. It is years since I had an attack and find it most debilitating. However, being confined to the 'indoor shed', I am able to indulge in u-tube videos. Wonderful stuff of Thailand rice factory, powered by steam, saw mills in the US and the recovery of a steam dredger from it's last job, 50yrs. On! All wonderful stories, with explicit commentaries and NO background music or amplified applause!

She steamed like a witch, the rest did her good
The curry was great and so was the pud,
The Gremlins lost out , no problems it seems
Must be saving themselves for Haloween
At least we finnished the month on a high, three weeks ashore is classed as 'cruelty to Norfolkmen'.