Broad Leys, Ghyll Head, Windermere. LA23 3LJ
Sunday 22nd June—Friday 27th June 2025
Rayrigg Rd., Bowness-on-Windermere, LA23 1BN
Saturday 28th June 2025
This year the Windermere Rally will basically follow the same pattern as in previous years but with a few additions. There is an option of staying on for the Festival of the Lakes and the Windermere Boat Parade which are being organised by Windermere Jetty Museum. These will be two separate events, the Windermere Rally being a Type 1 Event and the Festival of the Lakes a Type 2. It was hoped to run the paperwork for these two events concurrently but to date we have not had the full information re the Boat Parade itself. Anyone indicating on the booking form that they would be interested in attending the Festival of the Lake and the Boat Parade will automatically receive notification as soon as it is available. Boats attending these two events will require to fill in a declaration form, which can be downloaded here, but one form will cover both events.
Windermere Rally
This will be based as usual at the Windermere Motor Boat and Racing Club and the basic cost per person has been held at £40.00 for Sunday to Friday inclusive or £10 per day per person. Please note that all vessels on Windermere require to have Windermere Registration. This is £35.00 for renewals and £46.50 for new registrations and must be obtained from the main Warden’s Office at Murley Moss prior to launching on Windermere. It cannot now be obtained from the Warden’s Office at Ferry Nab.
The program is expected to follow the following pattern;
Sun 22nd June Launching at WMBRC from 4.00pm onwards with option meal in the evening at WMBRC—£26 pp dress casual.
Mon 23rd June Fell Foot. Steam to Fell Foot for lunch. On return Journey raft up for tea stop at one of the bays on the Western side of the Lake. Evening at your discretion.
Tues 24th June Windermere Jetty Museum. Dress-up day. Prize for best dressed boat and crew. Boats and crew to be decorated (not mandatory but preferred) and steam to Windermere Jetty Museum to arrive lunchtime onwards. Lunch can be obtained from the Windermere Jetty Museum Café. Afternoon moored on display at the Jetty or steaming around in the vicinity of the museum. At 4.15pm to accompany SL Osprey on her last trip of the day. Evening again at your discretion.
Wed.25th June Free daytime steaming in North Lake,,5.00pm social gathering Wray Castle Boathouse,
7.00pm, Music Night back of Belle Isle hosted by Shamrock.
Thurs 26th June Leisurely start with Treasure Hunt with prizes around Bowness bay and the islands (Storrs Hall to Whitecross Bay if you want to swat up on the area). 7.00pm Gala Dinner and Award presentation, WMBRC, £36.50 pp, dress smart casual.
Fri 27th June Free steaming and haul out by 4.00pm.
Any visiting boat wishing to attend the Festival of the Lake and the Boat Parade will need to vacate Windermere Motor Boat and Racing Club by 4.00pm as well and transfer to their other mooring.
Windermere Motor Boat and Racing Club Menus. (£26.00 per head)
Sunday 2 course hot buffet.
Main Lasagne, Garlic Bread and Salad
Chilli con Carne and Rice
Vegetarian Option
Desert Lemon Meringue Pie
Diabetic Option
Thursday 3 Course Dinner
Starter Ham Hock Terrine
Leek and Potato Soup
Main Roast Chicken Breast, Buttered New Potatoes, Mushroom Sauce, Seasonal Vegetables.
Salmon Supreme, Crushed New Potatoes, Asparagus, and Hollandaise Sauce.
Beetroot Butternut Squash Wellington, buttered New Potatoes and Seasonal Vegetables
Desert Raspberry and White Chocolate Roulade, Raspberries, Raspberry Coulis and Fresh Cream or Fresh Fruit Salad.
Rally Documents
Boat Declaration
Risk Assessment
Festival of the Lake and Windermere Boat Parade.
This event will based at and hosted by Windermere Jetty Museum. Windermere Jetty first held the Festival of the Lake last year and are now expanding it to resurrect the Windermere Boat Parade. Basically the boats will be in steam, decorated and on display at Windermere Jetty Museum or steaming in the vicinity of the Museum during the day. Details of the Parade are not yet available and further details will be available as soon as we have them.
Visiting boats will be able to moor on the Friday and Saturday night at the Museum and will need to leave the WMBRC in time to be moored and secured and trailers parked by 5.00pm at the Museum when it closes. If using the Museum slip to haul out boats must be hauled out and moved off the premises by 10.00am on the Sunday when the Museum opens to the general public. The cost for mooring is £25 per day, trailer storage £10 per day and for hauling out £15 payable to the Museum.
Any queries please do not hesitate to contact Jill (jillemaltby@gmail.com) or Dot (r.bullough345@btinternet.com)
Key to event types
1 - SBA Organised Event (owner's declaration required)
2 - SBA organised participation in 3rd party's event (owner's declaration required)
In event types 1 and 2 the SBA organisers and SBA members are covered by the SBA Liability Insurance;
3 - private meeting of members with or without boats
4 - private, individual participation of members in 3rd party's event
5 - for information only